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Our Reports

WBT produces country and industry-focused reports that offer fresh analysis and views into the world’s exciting frontier markets. Our reports focus on issues that move markets and decision-makers seek out to respond to today’s irregular economic conditions. They help readers navigate through the intricacies of business, while also providing a comprehensive, interesting read of the issues at hand.

WBT’s specialization is in the creation of unique, targeted and impactful reports that will make a difference in today’s world. What sets us aside from our industry peers is the emphasis we place on unearthing insights on emerging markets and industries. Central to this is our flagship WBT Insight Reports that has, since 2008, examined the inner workings of over 20 emerging market countries, including the GCC states, India, Pakistan, Egypt, and others. WBT also has an intelligence unit that produces specific corporate and industry reports.

WBT partners with global media outlets that make our reports vital communication tools that help shape public opinion and assist decision makers in their strategic planning. Some of these brands include titles under the New York Times Group, News Corporation, Tribune Company, Telegraph, Economist and 15 other partnerships in developed and emerging markets.

WBT reports are written by on-the-ground analysts and journalists. These analysts spend several months gathering intelligence, conducting interviews and surveys to give readers privileged information that supports their understanding of the economic challenges of the day, and outlines the scope of today’s fastest growing economies.

On the commercial side, WBT has established ‘WBT Communications’. This division offers communications and marketing support in the fields of public relations, media strategy, consultancy, branding, creative design and corporate marketing solutions.


Your organization will be involved in an integrated partnership with World Business Times and one of our close media partners across multiple platforms – print, video and online. An Insight Report will be published across all of these platforms and to all of our readers.

We are also in the position to cater marketing campaigns to a firm's specific needs. Nothing we create is off-the-shelf. We look at each company’s needs from a fresh perspective, taking equal measure of challenges and opportunities.

Our custom publishing team of creatives and designers are a diverse and experienced collective with complementary skills that span branding, graphic design, advertising, marketing, PR and digital. From this core collective we put together project teams that can be supported by our well-established network of specialists across planning, research, illustration, photography, copywriting and technology.

For more information please see our media solutions section.

Abu Dhabi Covid-19
Relief Efforts –
Response Report 2020

UAE Insight Report

Egypt Insight Report

UAE Insight Report

Qatar Insight Report

UAE Insight Report

States of Tomorrow: Uttar Pradesh

Qatar Insight Report

Abu Dhabi and Dubai Report

UAE Insight Report

UAE Insight Report

UAE Insight Report

Qatar Insight Report

India Insight Report

Abu Dhabi Insight Report

Abu Dhabi Insight Report

Dubai Insight Report

Dubai & Abu Dhabi Report


For Decision Makers
  • With tens of millions of readers through our global media partners’ print and online platforms, such as the Daily Telegraph or any of our strategic partners, World Business Times further distributes its reports to over 14,000 decision-makers in developed and emerging markets worldwide.
  • Country distribution includes China, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, UK, USA, Germany, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, India, Russia and Brazil.
  • Total WBT circulation is 14,600 business readers across all major industries.
  • Clients will benefit from our media partners' large global reach and WBT’s targeted audience.

Major infrastructure projects depend heavily on financing. However the finance industry, governments and decision-makers across the globe often lack the information to release required capital effectively. This is why WBT positions its Insight Reports to reach decision makers and assist them in their capital deployment decisions. WBT readers include heads of state, senior officials, industry leaders, HNWIs, economists, research analysts, fund managers, asset and portfolio managers, private equity firms, investment committees and hedge funds.

Extensive Domestic and International Reach

All sponsors of WBT Reports receive digital and print copies to distribute to target audiences.

Through the print and online publication by WBT, editoiral and corporate profiles are significantly circulated through the global marketplace.